How does Paperpal work?
Can I use Paperpal for free?
What is the price for Paperpal paid subscriptions?
Can Paperpal be used to write in other languages?
Does Paperpal have a Google Docs add-on?
Are there any restrictions / limits when operating Paperpal's features?
Will my data be used for training Paperpal AI?
How secure is my research on the Paperpal platform?
Will Paperpal-enhanced text pass checks for AI generated content?
Do you offer student discounts?
Can I use Prime across multiple devices at the same time?
Can I upgrade to to a longer term plan?
What are the payment methods available?
Do you support payment by bank transfer or PayPal?
How can I update my billing information?
How can I install the MS Word add-in?
Which versions of MS Word are supported?
I've upgraded to Prime but my MS Word add-in still shows that I'm on the free plan. The website is updated to Prime.
Why did I get a high similarity score after polishing language with Paperpal's AI features?
How can I access Paperpal’s Plagiarism check?
Can Paperpal ensure that my content is not flagged by plagiarism or AI detection tools?
Can I change the email address associated with my account?
I've upgraded to Prime. Why am I being asked to upgrade again?
What benefits are available with the free account?
Can I refer an existing Paperpal user and earn a reward?
Is the referral reward cash?
What counts as a successful referral for me to earn a reward?
What is Paperpal for Teams?
How many subscriptions can I purchase for my team members?
Which plans are available under Paperpal for Teams?